Starting with the most recient first.
This is ourn little girl's face, She has gained weight and is looking great she weighs 4lbs 5ozs. The boy is doing great too, he is 5lbs 2 ozs.
We have scheduled the C-Section for March 21st , so Nancy is going to get her Aries babies.
(Above Left) This picture is not very clear, it is showing the twins heads together, the imagesw are getting a little harder to understand due to the fact that the babies are filling up more of mom's belly. (Above Right) The boy's face, if you look cloesly you can see an eye socket, once you place the eye it might be easier to make out the little facial features.
(Above Left) This picture is looking straight at the little girls face, she is sideways and her head is tilted slightly up, top to the left. (can you find her?) -----(Above Right) This is the bottom of a little girls foot, awwww, how cute!!!!. However. it is hopefully nothing to be alarmed about yet, but the little girl did not grow as much as her brother this last month. His weight was 4lbs 5 oz, hers was 3lbs 3 oz. Doctors are monitoring her very closely to see if this trend continues. She is in a transverse position(sideways accross moms abdomen), the boy is still standing up (Breech). SO Yes it looks like Nancy will most likely hav a c-section.
(Above Left) This picture is looking straight at the little girls spine. Cool Hu
(Above Left)Baby A, this is our little boy, this picture is not very clear, but is his face,
he has turned feet down, (like his sister) his weight is 2lbs 6oz. and is moving a lot.
Mom is having a hard time sleeping.
(Above Right) Baby B, this is our little girl,this picture is from the
new ultrasound at the hospital, it is a 3-D image, not a real good one but you
can kind of make out the little face. She weighs 2lbs 4oz.
The twins are still very close in weight and are at the perfect weight for their stage in development,
so they are both doing very well. Mom is holding up well, but starting to have a hard time sleeping.
The doc says she is hiding twins very well and is only 2 weeks larger than the average for a mom
carrying only one at this week of pregnancy. She is at 28 weeks today. (7+ months).
They are now both breech so say some prayers that one of them turns head down
so mom has a better chance of a natural delivery. (preferably the boy, so he will be delivered first,
we would like the boy to be the older brother. Even though it would only be minutes)
(Above Left)Baby A, this is our little boy, he is on his back looking up.
He is still head down and will be the first born if his position does not change. He weighs 1lb 4oz and moving a lot.
(Above Right)Baby B, this is our little girl, she is also facing up and you can see her putting her hand up towards her mouth
(that small blob above her mouth, is her left hand). She is in a breech position currently but could move into
a head down position any time, so all is good. She weighs 1lb 3oz.
This is very good news that the twins are so close in weight, it is a sign that they are both equally
being nourished. Mom is holding up well and can tell the difference between the two in there movements,
boy kicks much harder and is more active, girls is more fidgety and likes mom to stay off her side when she sleeps.
We are ready for the holidays and are looking forward to some R&R. before these two get here.
The news is in... one BOY, one GIRL.........
Some of these pictures are very hard to make out what they are, so I will try to explain a few of them.
(above left)This is a look at both of there heads, they are positioned in the same direction right next to each other.
(above right) The baby on the bottom is the boy, we were trying to get a picture of him but the
girl wanted the attention, she kept putting her face into the frame and steeling the show.
(above)These are both pictures of our boys face.
(above far left) This is a side view of the boy arching his little back.
(above right & center)These are the close-ups letting us know he is a boy, the angle of these pictures is similar to if he
was sitting flat, and the camera was underneath him looking straight up. You see the two legs, top and bottom,
and the "turtle poking his head out of his shell" in between. The doctors call it the "turtle and shell".
(above four) These are all pictures of our beautiful little girl's face.
You can see her profiles well in the bottom right picture, the little girl doesn't have as much to show off,
but her beautiful little face.
These are the ultra sound photos starting from 8/28/2002, this was when we found out about the
These are the first photos of the twins, much to our surprise!